Circle of Love
Circle of Love forms need to be submitted to State Circle of Love Chairs by March 1, 2025.
Circle of Love Form
Non-Circle of Love Forms
- Seminarians
- Gummi Bears for Habitat
- Women’s Religious
- Publicity
- Local Website
- Court Development
- Membership – Retention
Please note the following guidelines for reporting on these forms:
You should consider filling in the report from the one-year period of March 1, 2024 – February 28, 2025.
- As court chairman please select the ONE most outstanding event in your specific area of the Circle of Love your court participated in or accomplished that is unique and send to the state for consideration and recognition. Be sure to include a completed cover sheet, “LOCAL Chairman to State Chairman.”
- In addition to mailing it to the State Chairman, please keep a copy of the cover sheet and entry for your court files.
Each project may be used only once. It cannot be entered in many or all categories.
National Website Contest Guidelines & Entry Form
*submit entries to the State Website Chairman Joan Welscher by March 1, 2025, Please be sure to follow directions and submit all required forms.
Running for State Office Forms
- These are located under 2025 Convention tab under Communications & Forms
- The Circle of Love Chairs duties are listed here. Each section has additional guidelines so we ask that you review them carefully.
- Each court should have goals that they should set to use as a guide to help them become a stronger more productive court within our organization. You may wish to add to the list provided.
Court Officers and Chairpersons
- Please use this form to update your current local officers and Circle of Love chairs. Please list name of court officer, list the office held, the telephone number and an e-mail address.
To use this form, just place the curser on the line about an inch from the left and begin typing the name, then move the curser to the office held and type it and then move the curser to the telephone number and type it. Your line may move as you type and you simply use the delete key to backspace to even out the line. Do the same for each line you use.
District Deputy Report Form to State Regent
Gummi Bear Forms
- Gummi Bear Questionaire
- Please use this form when requesting the number of cases of Gummi Bears you would like for your court
- 2022 Gummi Bear Chair Report Form
- Use this form when reporting Gummi Bear Donations in your local court
Habitat For Humanity
The deadline for the 2025 Habitat for Humanity Application is just around the corner. A Habitat build is a very rewarding experience, and as we talked about at the workshop, it is not a huge amount of work. I have attached an application with instructions as well as a list of affiliates in MN. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity.
Applications should be returned to Monica Capra at and Cathy Nelson at The deadline is December 1.
Court Chaplain Installation Form
Newsletter Templates
Sample Budget for Local Courts
Sample Regent’s Report
Nominations and Election Procedure for Local Courts
- Use this guide to help with the Nominations Committee and procedures for electing new court officers
Women’s Religious Grant Application
Grant applications for the Women’s religious program must be completed by Thursday April 10, 2025. If your Court is participating, note the Group or Individual needs and specify “how”, and “why” they should receive some funds. The State has $2000.00 to distribute. The State board will make the determination for distribution. Our State Project is Support Our Seminarians and Women’s Religious Program. Each member is assessed $2.00 per year to support this project. This fiscal year, the total received for our State Project is $3326, which will be divided equally for each program. This year, the available grant money for the Women’s Religious Program is $1663.00.
- Financial reviews are due twice a year.
- Periods of April 01 – September 30 is due November 1st
- Period of October 01 – March 31 is due May 1st.
- Financial Review Mark Up Form