#23 | 2023 – St. Charles, MN |
Ground Breaking May 6, 2023. 2-3 pm.
Please RSVP to info@habitatwinona.org so we can provide adequate light refreshment

#22 | 2022 – Fergus Falls, MN |
If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#21 | 2021 – Northfield, MN |
Financial sponsorship for this build was sought by Court St. Anne #1840 Medford, MN from the Minnesota and National Catholic Daughters. A generous grant was approved by each. At the Quad-home dedication, State Regent Mary Pufall presented a $10,000 check from the Minnesota Catholic Daughters and Darlene Moritz, National Director presented a $10,000 check to Habitat for Humanity from National Catholic Daughters on behalf of National Habitat for Humanity Director, Dawn Fortenberry, who was unable to attend. In addition, the Minnesota State CDA Board presented each homeowner with a wall clock, and Court St. Anne members presented each family with a quilt and a Minnesota CDA Perpetual Calendar. Again, we say Congratulations! – this time to each and every one of you in Court St. Anne #1840, in other Minnesota courts, and all our CDA sisters around the country! Your prayers, hands-on help, delicious meals, financial support, and commitment all contributed to the success of this Faith Build!

#20 | 2020 – Winona |
Court Winona #191 was awarded the 2020 Habitat Grant
Cathy Nelson, 2nd Vice State Regent, on behalf of the MN State Board, joined Court Winona #191 members in extending congratulations to the Skappel family on their new home. The gift of a clock and $10,000 “virtual” check from the MN Catholic Daughters was presented at the time. The perseverance, dedication, and generosity of the Habitat for Humanity of Winona, its staff, volunteers and donors have overcome unusual obstacles to build not just a house, but a home for the deserving family. Catholic Daughters throughout Minnesota joined Court Winona extending best wishes and happiness to the Skappel family.

#19 | 2019 – Fergus Falls |
If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#17 | 2018 – Owatonna Habitat Build |
This Habitat Home in Owatonna was a $50,000 contribution to the Steele Co Habitat Affiliate with a $25,000 matching grant from Habitat International as a ‘Challenge Grant”.
We currently do not have any pictures of this build. If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#16 | 2017 -Edgerton, MN Habitat Build |
This CDA build was sponsored by Court St. John # 1371 of Pipestone, MN. It took many hours complete the build, but the family was able to move in 2017.

#15 | 2016 – Winona Habitat Build |
What a wonderful turnout of Catholic Daughters for the Groundbreaking Ceremony in Winona, MN. Pictured here are Catholic Daughters from Caledonia, Plainview, St. Charles, Mazeppa-Bellechester, Marshall, Slayton and Winona.

#14 | 2014 – Marshall, MN |
Charles Sanow, Redwood River Habitat for Humanity Executive Director, provided the following information on 9-3-14. “The house (located on 1st Street in Marshall) is progressing rapidly. The walls were pre-constructed and brought to the site. Next week – on the Sept. 12th — Friday they will start interior painting and work will begin at 9:00 A.M. on Saturday. When the painting is completed, they will be ready for cabinets installation. On the weekend of September 19-20, hopefully , they will be ready to work on finishing the doors and trim; following that comes the floors and final touches. (I suspect there is always yard work to do.) Habitat is hoping for a dedication the last weekend of September if all goes as planned. (No guarantees). Things are moving along rapidly. Time is rather short, but if your Court is interested in being a part of the build, you are welcome. You are invited and now is the time…The house site is easy to find. On Hwy. 19, turn and go three blocks southwest (seems like west to me) of Main St (Hwy 59). You will see a closed Sinclair Station. Go South and you will find the habitat home in progress on First Street.”

#13 | 2013 – Faribault, MN |
Court St. Anne #1840 was the partner court in this project

#12 | 2012 – St. Peter, MN |
We currently do not have any information on this build. If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#11 | 2011 – Eleveth, MN |
Catholic Daughter’s workday at the Chinn House, Aug 26, 2011 Court St. Margaret #1888 members, MN State officers & National Director. Back row: Heather Burja, Sophie Zvonar, Mary Dosan, Marie Peterson, Margie Keller, John Schmidt, Shirley & Dave Seyfried, Nancy Palo, Bion McNulty. Center row: Nancy Bambenek, Shelly Kemp Front row: Anita McNulty, Meg Schmidt, Linnea Ryan, Mary Debevec, Ellen Huneke

#10 | 2010 – Rochester, MN |
The 2010 Habitat Build took place in Rochester, MN. State Officers Nancy, Deb, Margie, and Ellen helped on CDA Build day. Build was one of the first homes in the Eastwood Park area.

#9 | 2009 – Crookston, MN |
We currently do not have any pictures or information of this build. If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#8 | 2008 – Fergus Falls, MN |
We currently do not have any information of this build. If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#7 | 2007 – Owatonna, MN |
This Habitat Home in Owatonna was a $50,000 contribution to the Steele Co Habitat Affiliate with a $25,000 matching grant from Habitat International as a ‘Challenge Grant”

#6 | 2006 – Moorhead, MN |
We currently do not have any information of this build. If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#5 | 2005 – Luverne, MN |
We currently do not have information on this build. If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#4 | 2004 – Red Wing, MN |
We currently do not have any information of this build. If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#3 | 2003 – Hibbing, MN |
We currently do not have any information of this build. If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#2 | 2002 – Marshall, MN |
We currently do not have any pictures or information of this build. If you have any information on this build and are willing to share you can email it to joanwelscher206@gmail.com

#1 | 2001 – Dilworth, MN |
MN Catholic Daughters worked on the Habitat House in October if 2001. MEA weekend was a big build date.