A Message from Susan Mone’ National Regent

We often say, “Where has the time gone”! As I begin this letter for my first quarterly as your National Regent, I am thinking the same thing. It has already been almost 2 months since I returned home from New Orleans and our National Convention. It has been a busy time as your new National Board transitions from the former board. State and territorial supervisors, the Circle of Love Chairmen, Committee Chairmen and contest chairmen have been assigned. All the forms have been updated and are posted on the web site as well as attached to this mailing. By now your courts have been busy with the plans and goals for this year. I look forward to seeing many pictures and stories of your events and ministries in action in the Share.
The theme for my term is; “Be a Beacon of Hope, a Light in the Darkness.” As I was discerning my theme, I would think or hear something that I thought would be good, but the word HOPE kept coming back to me. As I looked at our country and the world that we are living in, I saw so many people that are in the darkness and have lost hope in their lives So many families in great need, our veterans who have been forgotten after giving so much to keep us safe, young girls and women without hope for the future of their unborn child who find that abortion is the only answer. As I write this, I’ve seen the devastation that many have suffered because of recent hurricanes. Many of our own CDA members have been personally affected and suffered losses. The National Board has already sent checks to the Dioceses of Charlotte, NC and St. Petersburg, FL from our Disaster funds. Thank you for your continued support of our disaster funds so that we can be prepared to act immediately when we receive a request. If any member, local court, territorial or state court would like to donate funds to give hope to those in need, please send checks made out to: Catholic Daughters of the Americas with a note in the memo for the hurricane relief and send to the National office at 10 W 71st Street, New York 10023.
Since the convention I have had questions regarding where we go from here since robes will no longer be used after January 1, 2025. At our board meeting, we have set some basic guidelines for the new dress code for ceremonies. Although we will no longer wear our ceremonial robes, we still want to maintain respect and dignity to our ceremonial events in accordance with the decision that was presented and voted on at the National Convention. Attached are the guidelines of that dress code. I am working with chairman of the Robes Committee, Helene Shepard, to order the ribbons and medallions that will be worn. The medallions will be individualized to each office, on each level. As soon as these are available for order, I will let everyone know.
At the convention, members were advised that if they choose not to receive a hard copy of Share magazine, they should notify the National Office. All courts will continue to be assessed the $7 per year for your Chaplain to receive Share. We feel that our Chaplains need to have the hard copy as it serves as an informative and educational source to
help them learn more about our CDA and what other courts and states are doing as they guide us spiritually.
On a regular basis, the board reviews our projects and charities that all of us supported through CDA. We want to be sure that we are supporting only organizations that are in alignment with our Catholic teachings. After investigating the current services provided by the health care agency that now controls the Tutwiler Clinic, we have voted to discontinue our support. Any checks received for Tutwiler after December 1, 2024, will be allocated to another one of our charities or projects. Arrangements have been made for the hotel in Washington D.C. for the March for Life 2025. If you plan to come to the March, you will need to call and make your reservations at: Homewood Suites, 1475 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington D.C. 20005 Phone: 202-265-8000. Be sure to ask for the CDA block. Please let me know if you are planning to attend.
I would ask that if you are attending, to make every effort, if possible, to be there by Thursday morning, January 23, 2025, to help reserve seats for CDA at the National Shrine. We arrive there around 10:30 a.m. Also, if you are attending, you are invited to a brunch Sunday morning followed by a guest speaker. I am currently looking at several leads for a new National Legislative Chairman. After many years of serving us so faithfully, Margaret Sitte has stepped down to focus on family needs. We thank Margaret so much for all she did to keep us informed and to provide wonderful speakers every year and we wish her and her family the very best. We are in the process of searching for a speaker for this year.
Just as the past months have flown by, so will the next few and before we blink it will be Christmas. In preparation the board has planned an Advent daily prayer service online and we hope you will join with us in making this Advent more meaningful. The book we will use is available at our CDA store for $5. Also with this mailing is a prayer service for you
to use in your courts. I thank you for all you do for the Catholic Daughters to “Be a Beacon of Hope, a Light in the Darkness.”
In Unity and Charity ,
Susan Moné
National Regent