Regent: Monica Capra

Webmaster: Joan Welscher

Minnesota Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Act Justly, Love Mercy, & Walk Humbly with Your God ... Micah 6:8

Soup'er Macaroni March Madness


Members of Ct. St. Bernard #886 of Lismore decided at their February meeting to promote a “fun” contribution to the local food shelf. In honor of March Madness, members of the parish cluster were invited to donate SOUP or MACARONI during the month of March. A tub was set up in the foyer of St. Anthony church for the many donations. March is a “matching grant” month for the Manna Food Pantry in Worthington, MN where the items were taken. Pictured are Lydia Diekmann and Deb Lutmer with future CDA member Morgan Diekmann.

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