***A Special Note about the Convention Site*** Our convention is being held at the Doubletree by Hilton which was formerly the Holiday Inn. The hotel has been closed for a number of years and is in the process of being completely renovated with opening expected in March. At this time, they do not have Hilton’s reservation system in place, nor do they have a phone number. They hope to have the reservation system in place by the end of January but for those that wish to reserve earlier, reservations can be made through this link: When reserving through this link, be sure to signify that you are with the Catholic Daughters or CDA in the Name of Group box. Regents will be notified when the hotel has a phone number to make reservations.
Every local court is asked to bring silent basket items valued at approximately $50 to the state convention. You are not limited to that amount. Individuals may contribute items as well.
Money gained from the silent auction baskets, country store, CDA store and other items will provide the state CD with additional operating funds for programs and other necessary state events. Checks are preferred as payment for purchased items. No credit cards accepted.
Silent Auction Basket items may be homemade crafts, religious articles, food, books, jewelry etc. This is your opportunity to be as original and creative as you want. You are encouraged to bring two or more separate items that equal $50. If we have some items that are lower priced, more women will be able to afford to bid. Country store items may include jellies, jams, breads or home canned items.
Individuals will be available to receive, number and record your silent auction basket and country store items when you arrive for registration. The name of the court and a notation of the contribution and value will be recorded.
The following are some raffle basket ideas:
Gardening Coffee Wine Card Party Cookie Making Games Cat/dog Crock pot New Baby First Communion Off to College Chocolate Cooler full Prayer Shawl Toddler Kitchen/cooking Drinks Movie night Picnic/grill out Greeting cards Meal in a hurry Get well soon Birthday Cleaning supplies Towel/bedding Back to school Lotions Pamper yourself Photo album Wedding/shower Stamp it Picture frame
Raffle baskets will be available beginning Friday morning. We are looking forward to seeing the wonderful items you bring! Please bring the basket form, filled out with your raffle basket and country store items.
- The following deadlines have been established to assist Local Courts, Officers, State Chairs and District Deputies in submitting information in a timely manner.
February 1
- Candidate Credentials for State Office must be submitted to Deb Lutmer, State Nominations Committee Chair, Court St. Bernard #1558 Lismore. PO Box 44, Lismore, MN 56155 (507-360-7001)
- Local Education Contest submissions due
March 1
- Local Education Contest Entries to State Education Chair Margee Keller
- Local Court Regent Reports to Monica Capra
- State Chair Reports to Monica Capra
- Names of Delegates and Alternates to Monica Capra and Linda Schons
- Voting Credential Forms to Linda Schons, State Secretary
- Convention Registration and Fees to Linda Schons
- Registration information: send e-copy only to State Regent, Monica Capra
- Courts are encouraged to submit a State Project proposal, State Fundraiser Proposal, Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws and Resolutions. They must be voted on by your court at a regular meeting prior to submission. Submit these items to Monica Capra.
- Submit bids for the 2025 State Convention to Monica Capra.
- Submit List of Deceased members since April 2023 to Monica Capra. Please let Monica know of any additional names after this date.
- Submit list of new 50-year members (or those not previously recognized) since April 2023 to Monica Capra. Other 50 + year members are welcome to attend. The Local Court or the individual may pay for the expenses. Recognition will be Saturday at noon.
- Submit Local Court Circle of Love and Program State Chair reports to respective State Chair
- Meal Reservations and Fees to: Lori Maas, 405 3rd St. NE, PO Box 301, Medford, MN 55049 with Court Check made out to MN CDA.
- State Chairs submit Circle of Love and State Program Report most notable entries to 1st Vice Regent, Cathy Nelson. These reports will be available for you at the Convention.
- Room Reservations due to the Doubletree by Marriott in Owatonna. The rate is $130 plus tax for a Standard Room with 2 queen beds.
Please complete and send your registration form and check to Linda Schons, State Secretary.
Please send and complete your meal reservation form and check to Lori Maas, Meal
You are responsible to make your own room reservation at the Doubletree, Owatonna. See the
note on page 3 for the reservation link. Save all receipts.
You are extremely valued by your State Officers. We have given you additional responsibilities
at the State Convention and will reimburse you for the following expenses:
● Up to $50.00 towards Convention meals
● Up to one-half cost of your hotel room
● Mileage
An expense form for your convention expenses and any other outstanding expenses will be made available at the convention. Please turn in your expense form with receipts attached within 10 days after the close of the convention to Monica Capra, State Regent. All expenses, except mileage, need a receipt.
If any State Chair or District Deputy attends the convention as an elected delegate of her local
court, the local court is responsible for all convention costs.
We encourage you to room with another State Chair or District Deputy or members of your
local court. We ask you to use discretion with travel expenses. If you are traveling with local
court members, or they are sharing your car, the expenses should be appropriately split rather
than the State Court paying the entire amount.
Court Chaplain: Each local court is encouraged to ask your Court Chaplain to attend any or all
of the convention and you are responsible for his/her expenses.
- All Officers are to bring ceremonial dress for the opening Friday evening Mass.
- Bring the 2023 Minutes of the State Convention. These will be emailed to you along with this Call to Convention.
- Each Court is asked to bring an item for the Silent Auction valued at $50.00. You may
bring two items valued at $25.00, five items valued at $10.00 or any combination that
equals the $50.00. Bring your Silent Auction items with you to the Registration Table on
Thursday or Friday at the Doubletree. Country Cupboard-canned goods, preserves, craft
items, etc. may also be brought. Members may also bring items for Raffle Baskets and
Country Cupboard. - Friday, opening day at the convention is Patriotic Day. Please wear red, white and blue to show support for our troops.
- Memorial Service will be held Friday at 5 pm at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Send
names of deceased members since the 2023 Convention to Monica Capra. - Fifty Year Plus members will be recognized at Saturday’s Luncheon. Submit names to
Monica Capra by March 1. Each Court must make arrangements for reservations and
purchase luncheon tickets for their own members. All fifty year plus members will be
recognized at the State Convention. - Candidates Night will follow the Friday night banquet. The Nominating Committee
Report will be sent to Regents. This allows time to discuss before convention. - Installation of the 2025-2027 State Officers will be at the Saturday Mass at Christ the King Church. Mass is at 4:30 p.m. Reception line will be at social hour prior to
the banquet at the Doubletree by Hilton Ballroom following Mass. - Pray for the success of the 2025 State Convention.
Procession at Masses: National and State Officers, District Deputies and all court officers will
wear ceremonial dress code for both Masses (Friday and Saturday) and will assemble at St.
Joseph’s to begin the opening procession promptly at 5 P.M. Past State Regents wearing white are invited to participate in the procession. The Opening Mass is one of the most beautiful and
impressive events of the convention, so, all officers are requested to observe proper
ceremonial dress code:
We recognize that personal appearance is an important element of self-expression and strive not to control or dictate, but to ensure that the respect of the ORDER is upheld. When participating in a ceremony or a procession, please adhere to the following dress code:
White Dress Blouses: Simple, all white blouse No visible cleavage or sheer fabric, No sleeveless blouses, No tank tops, No crop tops, No t-shirts
Dress Skirt: Simple, all black to the knee or longer
Dress Pants: All black dress pants, No capris pants, No Exercise pants, No leggings, No black jeans
Shoes: All black shoes No flip flops No boots
Jewelry: Officer Medallions on Ribbons are to be worn at all ceremonials. Medallions
will be available soon to order from CDA store. All jewelry should be small and simple.